Lunge Forward Double Arm Up with Two KB

This is an advanced lunge movement performed with weights held in the rack position and challenges strength and proprioception in this pattern.

Stand with the feet in a symmetrical stance and have two kettlebells in the rack position. 
Lunge forward with one leg so the foot contacts the ground with the heel and the forefoot. Be sure the big toe and heel are pressing into the floor. Lower the body by flexing the knee and hip of the front leg until the knee of the rear leg is almost in contact with the floor. Return to the original standing position by extending the hip and knee of the forward leg and pushing up with the rear leg in a scissors type fashion. 
As the body is lowered the tendency to want to lean forward may occur as the load changes the center of gravity. Be sure the shoulders are pulled back and the sternum is out while the weight remains steady in the rack position.
It is important to keep the spine tall throughout the movement with the head and neck neutral. Do not allow the upper body to collapse or round at the lower back. 

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